Agree Not IHsiigrcc
Strongly Agree Sure Pisagrce Strongly
- -- -~.∙ ■ ■■ ----JI-O. TL-L-T-- A . -------
31. I think Aborigines should form
stronger groups among themselves so
that they can get somewhere»
52. Sometimes 1 feel like doing
something bad just to show I exist
53. Wc have lots of family get
Iogethcrs that ore fun.
34. Sometimes I wish I had different
35. The chief thing that shows you
are a success is if you have lots of
36. If I had a chance, I would go to
another school where they cared about
you as a person.
37. I think Australians worry that
Vietnamese will get their jobs.
SS. I just can,t see where my future
is or what will happen to me.
39. 1 donlt really feel anyone thinks
Pm important. No-one would really
miss me.
40. My Cnglish is not good enough
for mixing with people comfortably*
41. ɪ have lots of relations that I can
count on when I need help.
42. If my English were better Pd have
a better chance of a job.
43. ɪ think you are really a success if
you can cope with whatever life brings.
44. Seeing Aborigines were here long
before migrants, they ought to get jobs
before migrants.
45. ɪ know if ɪ work hard now, I will
get benefits later.
46. I often feel ashamed of my family
47. I would like it better if there were
a few more rules and regulations so that
I know what ɪ am supposed to do to be a