7. ʌlɪ Aboriginal lands to be vested in a public trust or trusts
composed of Aborigines or Islanders as appropriate. Exclusive
corporate land rights to be granted to Aboriginal communities .
which retain a strong tribal structure or demonstrate a potential
for corporate action in regard to land at present reserved for
‘ the use of Aborigines, or where traditional occupancy according
to tribal custom can be established from anthropological or
other evidence. No Aboriginal lands to be alienated or assigned
for any use, including mineral development except with the
approval both of the trust and the Parliament. Such trusts
or groups shall be entitled to use capital funds investments to
establish community or co-operative ventures for the benefit of
local inhabitants. All Aborigines jointly to share the benefit
from the development of natural resources, including minerals,
on Aboriginal lands. The sacred sites of the Aborigines to be
mapped and protected.
8. A Parliamentary Committee to continue to study all aspects of
Aboriginal policy and to report regularly and constantly.
9. Every Australian child to be taught the history and culture of
Aboriginal and Island Australians as an integral part of the
history of Australia.
10. Labor will maintain a health offensive to eliminate leprosy,
yaws, hookworm, tuberculosis and contagious diseases and to
reduce infant mortality. Efficient mortality statistics to be
maintained to measure the effectiveness of these policies among
*In the 1975 Platform this section reads:
A health offensive should be maintained to lift health standards
amongst all Aborigines to at least the level applying to the
community in general. Special emphasis to be placed on
improving nutritional standards, reducing infant mortality, and
preventing exotic diseases. Health and mortality statistics
to be maintained to measure the effectiveness of these policies
amongst Aborigines.
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