The recognition of the rights of some tribal clans and reserve
communities in the Northern Territory can be satisfied by granting
title to their traditional areas of land. For others, alternative
forms of land and housing ’rights’ need to be negotiated and the
means for doing this are considered in later sections of this policy
statement. Clearly, a variety of solutions are required to meet
these various land demands and associated needs.
The Liberal and National Country Parties recognise the right of
Aborigines to the lands located within the reserves in the Northern
Territory. We will also make lands available, either by grant or through
the provision of funds, to tribal Aborigines living on or near their
traditional areas which are not on reserves and to detribalised
Aborigines in rural or urban areas. To achieve this purpose we will
make regular allocations to the Aboriginal Land Fund.
In recognising land rights we will ensure:
(i) that the traditional Aboriginal owners gain inalienable
title to their lands;
(ii) that they also determine how their lands are to be used
and preserved;
(iii) that they have the same right as any other owner to
determine who enters their land and whether the person is an
Aborigine or non-Aborigine;
(iv) that sites significant according to Aboriginal tradition
be preserved and protected;
(v) that expertise and funds are provided to assist in the
development of their lands;
(vi) that appropriate health, housing and education services
are provided to and employment opportunities encouraged
for Aboriginal people living on or near their lands;
(vii) that mineral prospecting and mineral development
should only be allowed under strict government control and
in a manner which protects sacred sites and reflects
the views and needs of the traditional Aboriginal owners;
(viii) that royalties from mining be used for the benefit
of the Aboriginal people and that a fair proportion thereof
be paid in trust on behalf of the traditional Aboriginal
owners of the land on which mining is conducted.
ʒ. Additional Funds
The Liberal and National Country Parties recognise the problems
flowing from the past dispossession and dispersal of the Aboriginal
people and the community's resulting responsibility. In government
we will acknowledge this in two ways: