The name is absent


(і) we will channel all future major expenditure on Aboriginal
education, employment, housing, health and legal aid and
similar services through a new account to be called The
Aborigines Entitlement Revenue Account. This account
will replace the present Aboriginal Advancement Trust

(ii) in addition to making allocations to the Aboriginal Loans
Commission, we will establish and make annual allocations
to an Aborigines’ Entitlement Capital Account. The funds
contained in this account will be invested for the benefit
of the Aboriginal people. The manner in which this account
is to be administered and the income from it distributed
will be determined after consultation with the Aboriginal

The Aborigines Entitlement Revenue and Capital Accounts will
express both in name and in the magnitude of their resources our
commitment to the view that the Aboriginal people are entitled to
receive additional funds by reason of their past dispossession and

4. Aboriginal Self-Sufficiency

A Liberal and National Country Party Government will demolish
unnecessary bureaucratic barriers between Aborigines and the programmes
intended to assist them towards self-management.

We will continue to allocate substantial funds for expenditure
by the Commonwealth and the States on Aboriginal education, health,
housing and employment.

In encouraging Aboriginal initiative and enterprise, the
following programmes will be high on our list of priorities:

(i) appointment of additional Aborigines to liaison, advisory
and training positions in such fields as education, health
and community development;

(ii) the maintenance and, where appropriate, the expansion of
Aborigine-managed enterprises and services such as Aboriginal
Medical Services, Aboriginal Legal Services and Aboriginal
housing, building and pastoral projects;

(iii) the creation of a network of outback pre-schools to cater
for the needs of Aboriginal and other Australian children
side by side and to actively involve their parents as well;

(iv) the expansion of bi-cultural education in those Northern
Australian schools with predominantly Aboriginal enrolments;

(v) the introduction of AboriginaltHistory and Culture as a full
subject in the education programmes available to all
Australians from primary school’ onwards;

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