Cowtltulional History.
exigencies of the papacy emboldened Clement V and his suc-
cessors to apply to the episcopal sees the system of provision
and reservation ɪ.
Ciementv In 1313, on the death of archbishop IVinchelsey, the monks
appoint- of Canterbury elected the learned Thomas Cobham as his suc-
CanteJbury. cessor3 although Edward had begged them to choose his tutor,
Walter Reynolds, bishop of Worcester. Winchelsey had died
Papaiap- on the nth of May; on the 23rd of June the prior heard a
Iyreserva- rumour that the pope had reserved the appointment for his
provision, own nomination, and on the yth of July letters were produced,
Edwardii bearing date April 27 2, in which Clement expressed this inten-
and Edward ^оп> The prior thinking, as he said, that nothing was impos-
sible with God, entreated the pope to nominate Cobham ; but
on the 1st of October he appointed Reynolds by virtue of the^
reservation3, and immediately filled up the see of Worcester
which Reynolds vacated. Clement died in 1314, and the
papacy was vacant for two years, during which the English
bishops were appointed by compromise between the crown and
the chapters. But John XXII, who was elected in 1316, imme-
diately followed in the steps of Clement. In 1317 he reserved
the appointments to Worcester, Hereford, Durham, and Roches-
ter4; in 1320 to Lincoln and Winchester5 ; in 1322 to Lich-
1 The form of a provision after reservation declared that during the life
of the last incumbent the pope had reserved the appointment for his own
bestowal, thereby making void any attempt to fill it up ; but that, on the
occurrence of the vacancy, being anxious that there should be no delay, he
had specially applied himself to find a fit person; he therefore preferred
the person named, who in many cases was the elect of the chapter or the
royal nominee. E. g. ini313: t dudum èiquidem bonae memoriae Koberto
archiepiscopo Cantuariensi regimini Cantuariensls ecclesiae praesidente,
nos cupientes eidem ecclesiae, cum earn pastore vacare contingeret, per-
sonam utilem per apostolicae sedis providentiam praesidere, ρrovisionem
faciendam ipsi ecclesiae de praelato, quam cito earn per ejusdem archi-
episcopi obitum vel alio Iegitimo modo vacare contingeret, dispositioni nos-
trae ас sedis ejusdem ea vice duximus reservandam, decernentes extunc
irritum et inane si secus super hoc a quoquam quavis auctoritate, scienter
Velignoranter contingeret attemptari;’ Eoed. ii. 228. There are a great
many such bulls in the Foedera.
2 Wilk. Cone. ii. 424.
3 Foed. ii. 228. The Bull contained the offensive words which the new
archbishop had formally to renounce; ib. p. 237; see also the case of
Durham, p. 32S.
i Foed. ii. 313, 3τ9, 328 ; Ang. Sac. i. 357, 533.
5 Foed. iii. 422, 425. The provision to Lincoln does not mention the
Papal Provisions.
field1; in 1323 to Winchester2; in 1325 to Carlisle and
Norwich3; in 1327 to Worcester, Exeter, and Hereford4; in
1329 to Bath5; in 1333 to Durham8; in 1334 to Canterbury,
Winchester, and Worcester7. In many of these cases the king
played into the pope’s hands, or the pope appointed the person
recommended by the king. Haymo Heath, who was elected to
Rochester in 1317, found arrayed against him as competitor
the queen’s confessor, who produced letters of recommendation
from the queen and the king and three queens of France; he
also had a papal reservation, but his death in 1319 left Haymo
in quiet possession of his see3. In 1327 bishop Berkeley of Occasional
Exeter9, and in 1329 Ralph de Salopia10, bishop of Bath, the papal
obtained their sees in spite of reservations. But cases were candldate,
very rare in which any voice in the appointment was allowed
to the chapters. In 1328 the pope, in a letter to archbishop
Mepeham, expressed his general intention of reserving all
appointments caused by translation11. All sees vacated by
bishops who died at the papal court were also regarded as
temporalities ; but the bishop was kept out of them by Hugh Ie Despenser ;
ib. p. 697∙
1 Foed. iii. 495 ; Ang. Sac. i. 443.
a Foed. iii. 525 : the temporalities are mentioned in the Bull; bishop
Stratford had to give security for 10,000 marks before he recovered them ;
ib. p. 687.
3 Ann. Lanerc. a.d. 1325 ; Ang. Sac. i. 413. Bishop Ayermin of Nor-
wich was kept out of his temporalities by Hugh Ie Despenser in con-
4 Foed. iii. 715, 723, 72f4∙ ɪɪ'`θ provision to Exeter Wasjustified by the
death of the last bishop at the papal court ; Oliver, Bishops of Exeter,
p. 76 ; that to Hereford by the translation of Orlton.
5 This provision was defeated, and the person elected obtained the see ;
Ang. Sac. i. 568.
6 See below, p. 324.
7 Stratford of Winchester was promoted to Canterbury ; Orlton from
Worcester to Winchester, and Simon Montacute to Worcester ; the pro-
vision to Canterbury was done thus : the monks elected Stratford and the
king approved ; the pope ‘ dissembled,’ or pretended that he had not
heard of the election and appointed the same person. See Thomas, Wore.,
App. p. 109.
8 Ang. Sac. i. 357, sq.
9 Oliver, Bishops of Exeter, p. 73.
'0 Ang. Sac. i. 568. The reservation did not make void what had been
done towards an election before it, only what was done knowingly or in ’
ignorance after the reservation itself was made. See Sext. Deer. lib. i.
tit. 6. c. 45.
11 Wilk. Cone. ii. 546.