max <
⅛- [f (Λ1 log(l + ⅛υ∙)) + μ2 log(l + kij)]
+⅛i [(ʃ'ʌ"1 - ʌ6) ɪθsd + ⅛∙)] - 4
We therefore obtain the following solution for the investment choices under employee
Lemma 14 If f' > 1, the equilibrium human capital investment levels under employee
cooperative are given by:
.Ec _ an ff ∖i , ʌ" I ɪ " ɑo
i> - ~2^ [ʃ ʌ + Tj + ~6~
(∕zλm + λ6) - 1.
Outside ownership
When f, ≥ 1 the bargaining solution under outside ownership is given by:
Agent: employee E1 employee Ern employee Eb outside owner Oi customer Cij
share: Vrl-V3 vm - υb 0 V2 - υm vb
„ . . Agent: employee E2 emplovee Ern employee Eb outside owner Oi
customer C
if the firm hires Ei : or
share: υ2 — vb vm -vb O V2 + vb — v2 — υm
if the firms hires E2.
These payoffs then translate into the following ex-ante investment choices for the em-
ployees. When ff > 1 theʌ* choose klj to maximize:
max (≥i [f (λ1 log(l + fcy)) + Λ2 log(l + kij}] + log(l + ⅛y) - kij) (18)
⅛tj I ⅛ â J
We thus obtain the following solution for the investment choices under outside owner-
Lemma 15 The equilibrium human capital investment levels under outside ownership are
given by
k° = ɪ √'λ' + < + - 1∙ iff' ≥ 1∙
That is. when the complementarity is strong, the outside ownership will under-invest.
Customer Cooperative
Wlien ∕' ≥ 1 we have:
Agent: employee F1 employee Em employee Eb customer-owner C
share: V1 - V3 ' υm - υb O V2 + vb - vm
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