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Annex 1: ANOVA Applied to the 3 clusters of companies relative to the involvement in innovation
__________Cluster__________ |
____________Error____________ |
F |
Sig. | |||
Mean Square |
df |
Mean Square |
df | |||
Research and Development (R&D) inside of the |
1,430 |
2 |
,142 |
102 |
10,038 |
,000 |
Acquisition of services of extern - R&D |
1,837 |
2 |
,140 |
102 |
13,113 |
,000 |
Acquisition of new technologies |
1,070 |
2 |
,185 |
102 |
5,792 |
,004 |
Information Technologies |
2,405 |
2 |
,188 |
102 |
12,805 |
,000 |
Acquisition of other external knowledge |
2,056 |
2 |
,156 |
102 |
13,154 |
,000 |
Formation of Human Resources |
1,618 |
2 |
,217 |
102 |
7,452 |
,001 |
Introduction of innovation on market |
3,814 |
2 |
,154 |
102 |
24,772 |
,000 |
Management Strategy /techniques |
7,236 |
2 |
,072 |
102 |
100,080 |
,000 |
Structure organizational |
5,077 |
2 |
,138 |
102 |
36,748 |
,000 |
Marketing |
2,951 |
2 |
,160 |
102 |
18,418 |
,000 |
The company introduced innovation |
10,348 |
2 |
,019 |
102 |
546,134 |
,000 |
Innovation of product |
7,492 |
2 |
,108 |
102 |
69,612 |
,000 |
Innovation of process |
2,614 |
2 |
,155 |
102 |
16,913 |
,000 |
Organizational Innovation |
_______2,188 |
_________2 |
_________,110 |
102 |
19,956 |
,000 |
The F tests should be used only for descriptive purposes because the clusters have been chosen to maximize the differences among
cases in different clusters. The observed significance levels are not corrected for this and thus cannot be interpreted as tests of the
hypothesis that the cluster means are equal.
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