Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

MOORS, Annelies (1996)

Women, Property and Islam:
Palestinian Experience, 1920-1990,
Cambridge University Press.

SAYIGH, R. (1983)

'Women in Struggle- Palestine' in Third
World Quarterly,
5 (4), 880-886.

ZUBI, Nanla Abdo (1994)

Family, Women and Social Change in
the Middle East: Palestinian Case,
Canadian Scholars Press.



AL-MUHANNADI, Muneera (1992)

A Socio-linguistic Study of Women's Speech
in Qatar,
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Essex,
United Kingdom.

Gender and Education

ABDULLA, Sara Jassim A. (1990)

Education, Social Structure and Social Change
in the State of Qatar: With Reference to
Education, Recruitment and Career
Structures of Women Secondary School
Ph.D. Thesis, University of
Wales, United Kingdom.

AL KAABI, A. H. M. (1988)

The Effect of Education and Work on
Women's Position in Qatar,
M.A. Thesis,
University of Durham, United Kingdom.

AL-MISNAD, S. A. (1984)

The Development of Modern Education in
Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar: With Special
Reference to Education of women and their
Position in Modern Gulf society,
Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Durham, United Kingdom.

Saudi Arabia


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