Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

ALMERAS, D (1994)

Women's Formal Education:

Achievements and Obstacles, in:

CEPAL Review, 54,61 -79

ARPESLAGH, Robert (1991)

World Without Writing and
Them.....they Write for the First Time,

VAN DEN BERG, Joanne Netherlands
Institute of International Relations
(includes several Latin American

BRASLAVSKY, Cecilia (1984)

Mujer y Educacion: Desigualdades
Educativas en América Latina y el
UNESCO. Santiago Chile

CASTRO MARTIN, Teresa (1994)

Women's Education and Fertility in
Latin America: Explaining the
Significance of Education for
Women's Lives,
Macro. International

Catanzarite, l. (1992)

Gender, Education and Employment in
Central America: Whose Work Counts?
in: STROMQUIST, N (ed)
Women and
Education in Latin America.

Knowledge, Power and Change, Lynne
Rienner, London, 67-86

CEBOTAREV, Eleonora A (ipso)

A Non-Oppressive Framework for Adult
Education Programmes for Rural
Women in Latin America, in:
Convergence, 13, 1/2, 34-49.

CONWAY, Jill (1993)

The Politics of Women's Education:
Perspectives from Asia, Africa and
Latin America,
University of Michigan
Press, Ann Arbor

CORVALÀN, Graziella (199O)

Mujer y Educacion en América

Latina, REDUC, Santiago, Chile


Adult Education and Development.

Bonn. (includes sections on, Brazil,
Colombia, Nicaragua and Latin America
in general.)

More intriguing information

1. Orientation discrimination in WS 2
2. Human Resource Management Practices and Wage Dispersion in U.S. Establishments
3. The bank lending channel of monetary policy: identification and estimation using Portuguese micro bank data
4. A Note on Costly Sequential Search and Oligopoly Pricing (new title: Truly Costly Sequential Search and Oligopolistic Pricing,)
6. The name is absent
7. The name is absent
8. Job quality and labour market performance
9. Nach der Einführung von Arbeitslosengeld II: deutlich mehr Verlierer als Gewinner unter den Hilfeempfängern
10. The name is absent
11. The name is absent
12. WP RR 17 - Industrial relations in the transport sector in the Netherlands
13. Searching Threshold Inflation for India
14. Midwest prospects and the new economy
15. Computational Batik Motif Generation Innovation of Traditi onal Heritage by Fracta l Computation
16. Tariff Escalation and Invasive Species Risk
17. CGE modelling of the resources boom in Indonesia and Australia using TERM
18. Elicited bid functions in (a)symmetric first-price auctions
19. The name is absent
20. The name is absent