Education Research Gender, Education and Development - A Partially Annotated and Selective Bibliography

SCHIRMER, Jennifer (1993)

The Seeking of Truth and the Gendering of
Consciousness: The Comadres of El Salvador and the
Conavigua Widows of Guatemala. in: RADCLIFFE,
Sarah A and WESTWOOD, Sallie (eds)
Women and Popular Protest in Latin America,
Routledge, London, 30-64.

GIBBONS, Judith et al (1991)

Women's Worldly Fate: Guatemalan, Filipino and
USA Adolescents Images of Women as Office
Workers and Home Makers,
Paper presented in the
Interamerican Congress of Psychology, San Jose,
Costa Rica

GREENBERG, Linda (1992)

Midwife Training Programs in Highland Guatemala.
Social Science Media. 16, 18, 1599-1609

MENCHU, Rigoberta (1995)

We have Come a Long Way, in UNESCO Courier,
September 1995, 25.


Gender and Education

OOIJENS, J.L.P. et al (1990)

Alfabetizacion y Mujeres: la Experiencia del
Editorial Guaymuras,
Tegucigalpa/CESO La Haya.



CHANI, Sylvia (1984)

Las Olvidadas: A Study of Women, Housing and
Family Structure in Querétaro,
PhD Thesis,
University of London.

CRASKE, Nikki (1993)

Women's Political Participation in Colonias
Populares in Guadalajara, Mexico, in:
"Viva" Women and Popular Protest in
Latin America,
Routledge, London.

GALEANA, Paricia (ed) (1994)

La Mujer del Mexico de la Transicion: Memoria
de un Simposio,
Universidad Nacional de Mexico,
Mexico D:F.

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