Evaluating Consumer Usage of Nutritional Labeling: The Influence of Socio-Economic Characteristics


1 if the individual was the primary household shopper and 0

Organic        = 1 if the individual frequently purchases organic produce and

0 otherwise

Media          = 1 if the individual made frequent use of food advertisements

and coupons in newspapers and 0 otherwise

Education = 1 if the individual had not completed at least a bachelors
degree and 0 otherwise

Hi_Income = 1 if the household income was at least $70,000 and 0

For estimation purposes, one classification was eliminated from each group of
variables to prevent perfect collinearity. The base group of individuals and omitted
variables are given in Table 1. Based on previous literature, females (Nayga; Bender
and Derby, 1992; Guthrie et al.) and households with children (Feick, Harrmann, and
Warland, 1986; Guthrie et al.) were initially hypothesized to be most likely to be label
users. Older individuals were expected to be less likely to be nutritional label users
(Bender and Derby).

Data Description

The data for this analysis was collected from a survey conducted by Rutgers
Cooperative Extension. The survey was administered at five grocery retailers

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