Agricultural Policy as a Social Engineering Tool

decision. The random component comes from maximization errors, and other
unobserved characteristics of choices or measurement errors in the exogenous variables.

Let the profit function of farm operator i, making thej-th choice be,

j = Uj + E                                         ɑ)

where Uij = (lnX i1, InX i2 , ....., InX ik ) with InX im representing the set of m observable

characteristics of the i-th farm operator, and εij is a random variable. If the i-th farm
operator maximizes profit s/he will choose decision
j rather than k according to the

∏ > ∏ik, k, k j.                                             (2)

Note that the profit function has a random component. Then the probability that choice j
is made by the
i-th farm operator can be defined as,

P = Pr ob (n> πik ), k, k j.


lt can be shown that ifthe error term ε has standard τype 1 eχtreme distributions with


f (ε ) = exp{-ε - exp{-ε}}
then (see Maddala, 1983, pp60-61)



p = eχpU. }
j =exp{Uik},

which is the basic equation defining the multinomial logit model. In the case where j =

2, the i-th farm operator will choose the first alternative if πi 1 - πi2 0 . If the random

π have independent extreme value distributions, their difference can be shown to have a


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