decision. The random component comes from maximization errors, and other
unobserved characteristics of choices or measurement errors in the exogenous variables.
Let the profit function of farm operator i, making thej-th choice be,
∏j = Uj + E ɑ)
where Uij = (lnX i1, InX i2 , ....., InX ik ) with InX im representing the set of m observable
characteristics of the i-th farm operator, and εij is a random variable. If the i-th farm
operator maximizes profit s/he will choose decision j rather than k according to the
∏ > ∏ik, ∀k, k ≠ j. (2)
Note that the profit function has a random component. Then the probability that choice j
is made by the i-th farm operator can be defined as,
P = Pr ob (n„ > πik ), ∀k, k ≠ j.
lt can be shown that ifthe error term ε has standard τype 1 eχtreme distributions with
f (ε ) = exp{-ε - exp{-ε}}
then (see Maddala, 1983, pp60-61)
p = eχpU. }
j = ∑ exp{Uik},
which is the basic equation defining the multinomial logit model. In the case where j =
2, the i-th farm operator will choose the first alternative if πi 1 - πi2 > 0 . If the random
π have independent extreme value distributions, their difference can be shown to have a