Agricultural Policy as a Social Engineering Tool

Data and Data Description

The data used in this study come from the 2001 National Agricultural Food and Public
Policy Preference Survey conducted in conjunction with land grant universities, Farm
Foundation and the U.S. National Agricultural Statistics Service. The National
Agricultural Statistics Service selected the sample, printed and mailed the questionnaires,
and conducted follow up survey-related activities. A random sample of 631 farm
operators stratified by value of farm sales was chosen for this survey. One hundred and
forty-four of the surveys were returned giving a response rate of 23%. The data
collection effort consisted of first and second mailings of questionnaires. Data were
collected on farm income and risk management policy; conservation and environmental
policy; trade and food policy; structural issues and socio-economic data for individual
farm operators. The sample used for this study consists of farm operators, who in 2001
(i) grew crops or cut forages; (ii) stored grains or soybeans; (iii) grew vegetables, nuts,
nursery crops, or other specialty crops; and (iv) had or intended to have dairy, hogs,
cattle, sheep, poultry, or other livestock on their farm operation.

Table 1 presents a brief definition of the variables used in the study. Descriptive
statistics for those variables are presented in Table 2. The dependent variable (Restrict)
which motivates this research asks the question: Should countries be allowed to restrict
trade to pursue domestic, economic and social policy goals even if the policies affect
international trade? A total of 123 farm operators answered that question. Of that total,
64 farm operators or 52% indicated that countries should be allowed to restrict trade to

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