15. RENAMO should allow the free movement of people and goods throughout the areas
under its control.
C. Recommendations for civil society
16. Civil society should insist that government and RENAMO stop making land concessions.
17. Civil society should open its own dialogue regarding land and property rights in
Mozambique. Government should be encouraged to participate in this dialogue.
18. Civil society should insist that all land concessions be subject to judicial review.
19. Local communities, with the assistance of locality and district government, should
discuss the creation of local land-management boards or other institutions that will
empower them to defend their land rights and negotiate the exchange of rights with
nonlocal interests.
20. The Universidade Eduardo Mondlane should initiate research into questions relating to
property and land rights, customary authorities and political institutions, and the role of
civil society in the democratization process.
D. Recommendations for donors and NGOs
21. Donors should encourage the government to stop making land concessions. International
assistance should be tied to this action.
22. Donors should help create an environment in which government and civil society can
communicate and negotiate over land law and tenure reform.
23. Donors should continue to fund programs that build national technical capacity and skills,
particularly with regard to dispute resolution and resource administration, and programs
that generate information leading to a more informed public debate about land and
property relations in Mozambique.
24. Donors should encourage civil society to pursue the above noted recommendations.