The name is absent


respectively. Guava (Psidium guajava) is the next most popular in each province. No other species
was planted by more than 10 percent of households in Eastern province. On the other hand, mulberry
(Morus alba), Cassia siamea, Gmelina arborea,and Leucaena leucocephala were all planted by more
than 10 percent of sampled households in Southern province.
Cassia siamea was particularly common
in the study sites, found on
35 percent of farms visited.

The percentage of households planting trees and the number of trees planted per household
were calculated after grouping together species as fruits or MPTs (multipurpose trees)' Seventy-six
percent of households in Southern province planted fruits and
46 percent MPTs. The percentages of
households planting each type within the past five years are lower, at
32 percent and 25 percent,
respectively. Among planting households, the average number of trees planted was 19 for fruits and
34 for MPT species. The primary uses of on-farm MPT species are for shade (36.6 percent of MPT
plantings), windbreak
(18.3 percent), and fuelwood (12.2 percent). Plantings of fruits and MPTs are
almost always found near homesteads in blocks, rows, or clusters.

In Eastern province, 42.7 percent of households had planted fruits at any time, but only 11.5
percent planted MPTs. During the past five years, the percentages of households planting were lower,
especially for fruits
(11.5 percent). The mean number of trees planted per planting household were
18 for fruits and 58 for MPTs. The primary use of on-farm multipurpose trees was shade (37.8
percent), soil fertility (18.9 percent), and poles (16.2 percent).

V. Tenure and agricultural development

A. Methodology

Previous sections demonstrated that virtually all farmers perceived having long-term use rights
to their holdings. However, there were tenure differences between farmers concerning how they
acquired land, their rights to transfer land, and their perceptions of who owned their farmland.
Households have acquired land primarily through patrilineal inheritance, matrilineal inheritance, chiefs
or headmen, or through the state. Do these differences matter for tenure security? It is often claimed
that incentives for investment are lower in matrilineal systems where the husband may not feel the land
is his or have the freedom to pass it to his sons. Between one-half to three-fourths of households
claimed ability to permanently transfer land to a family member. About 60 percent of households felt
that they owned the land. Are these perceptions related to tenure security and do they have any
implications for agricultural development? To answer these questions, three major hypotheses were

(1) The incidence of agricultural development indicators is lower on matrilineal land than on land
acquired by other means.

(2) The incidence of agricultural development indicators is higher where households claim to have
land alienation rights.

The categories included both indigenous and exotic species.

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