Table 63: Amount of land by type set aside for settlement in Zambia up to 1993" | ||||
Province |
Settlement (ha) |
Rural Reconstruction Centers |
Council for Handicapped _______________(ha) |
Councils (ha) |
Central |
44,941 |
9,276 |
22,262 | |
Copperbelt |
60,103 |
2,474 |
137 |
42,295 |
Eastern |
71,172 |
7,277 |
13 | |
Luapula |
7,100 |
1,200 |
60 |
20,000 |
Lusaka |
13,215 |
1,210 |
8 |
- |
Northern |
69,595 |
9,010 |
8 |
7,500 |
North-Western |
10,650 |
1,920 |
81 |
12,000 |
Southern |
98,275 |
10,657 |
11 |
29,200 |
Western____________ |
____________840 |
______________6,146 | ||
Total |
375,840 |
49,150 |
318 |
133,257 |
` Not all figures in this table sum correctly; these errors are in the original documents.
Source: Land Settlement Information Booklet (Lusaka: Government Printer, 1987).
Separate incentive packages were approved for the unemployed and retirees who wanted to
resettle. 16 The package for the unemployed includes:
► transportation for all approved settlers up to a maximum of eight persons (inclusive of father
and mother) per family, from the point of residence to the settlement area;
► free food for a period of one year through the provision of maize meal coupons;
► a grant in kind of K2,000 to each settler (upon certification that they have a minimum cleared
land area of 1 hectare) to cover costs of clearing the land, seeds, and fertilizer;"
► free lease preparation costs and survey fees; and
► a title deed to the plot for those within settlement schemes. (For those going into villages, the
settler had the responsibility to negotiate with the headman and the chief for the title deeds.)
The retirees with earnings of less than K12,000 in terminal benefits are entitled to:
► all of the incentives applicable to the unemployed;
► access to social amenities such as schools and clinics with an input of self-help;
16 Sources for information included: First Ministerial Statement to the National Assembly by The Right Hon. Prime
Minister, General M.N. Masheke, "On the Subject of Resettling the Unemployed and Ret irees on the Land" (November
1989); and the Department of Resettlement publication, "Land Resettlement Programme of the Retired and Unemployed:
What to Do to Resettle" (December 1989).
17 The money for inputs was paid directly to the supplier.