Table 7.9: Production growth rates, 1972 to 1986, noncommercial farms sector
Copperbelt/ |
Central/ |
Northern/ |
Eastern |
Western | |
Beans |
-.009 |
-.066 |
-.042 |
.049 |
-.038 |
Cassava |
.015 |
-.208' |
-.013 |
-.109 |
-.042 |
Groundnuts |
-.013 |
-.118" |
-.074" |
-.060" |
-.039 |
Maize |
.010 |
.013 |
-.065" |
-.063" |
-.052" |
Millet |
-.063' |
-.021 |
-.046' |
-.022 |
-.022 |
Sorghum |
.011 |
-.043 |
-.027 |
-.001 |
.036 |
* The estimate of B in the regressions is significant at the 10 percent level.
**The estimate of B in the regressions is significant at the 5 percent level.
Source: Derived from Zambia CSO data.
Figure 7.6: Zambia cereals production (thousand metric tons)
Source: ERS.