the country. By 1994, it is proposed that another regional office be established in Lusaka for the five
provinces in the southern half of the country. By 1995, a third fully decentralized office is planned
for either Kasama or Chipata. A direct link will need to be established between the decentralized
offices and the central registry. Assistance is requested by the ministry in the form of equipment,
computer software, staff training, and personnel. As it would be impossible to transfer all documents
from the current central registry to the regional offices, it is proposed that a system be developed
whereby relevant documents and title deeds can be scanned and information stored in optical memory
connected to a desktop computer. 15 The MOL is requesting workstations, laser printers, scanner,
modems, desktop computers, photocopy machines, facsimile machines, typewriters, safes, cabinets,
and other office equipment.
3. Land identification body
An urgent need is felt by the MOL to create a formal body with committees in all the
provinces to carry out the function of land identification for future agricultural expansion. This body,
at both headquarters and provinces, would comprise senior members from the relevant ministries and
departments. The body would also be expected to advise on general land policy matters. A section
within the Lands Department would be needed for the demarcation of identified land and the
preparation of layout plans. The MOL further hopes that through an act of parliament, legal powers
will be granted to strengthen the body's role in coordinating and implementing such a land
identification program. 16
4. Personnel, training, coordination, and implementation
Trained labor will be needed to operate and manage the system of decentralized offices and
the computer-aided registry system. At present, only three public and seven private licensed surveyors
(plus or minus one or two) can be found nationwide. A program is envisioned that trains both existing
staff and new recruits. The government has already committed to doubling the size of the MOL's staff.
Additional financial assistance is requested of donors to support a project coordinator and
implementor, an experienced land lawyer, two officer's experienced in land management and land law
to assist on short term consultancy, one officer experienced in estates management to establish an
estate management section with a view to generating revenue from fixing rents on land, and one
officer qualified in surveying methods and making plans for identification of land for issuance of title
deeds. The principal aim is to find a suitable, cheaper, but reliable method of leasehold registration.
Scholarships and training are needed in land administration, land valuation, planning and surveying,
and land laws and registration. Vehicles are needed. Finally, additional assistance is required for
short-term consultancies, seminars, and conferences.
C. 1993 Land Policy Conference
The National Conference on Land Policy and Legal Reform (20-22 July 1993) specified a
number of reforms, some of which required immediate action while others were to take place over
many years. The MMD called for immediate repeal of Act No. 15 of 1985 which prohibited land from
15 The rationale for this is unclear. Records in the registry systems of most developed and developing countries are
16 Chapter 2 discusses in some detail the concerns associated with this proposal.