Figure 1.2: Land tenure resolutions, 1993 Conference on Land Policy and Legal Reform
1. METHODOLOGY. Both short-term and long-term approaches are needed in tenure reform, for
example, seminars in the short term and establishment of a Commission of Enquiry in the longer
term. It is recommended that a working group be established immediately to devote more time to
the issues raised and that a permanent body be established over time.
2. CLASSIFICATION OF LAND. The classification of land should reflect both national and
customary interests and should consist of two classes: State Land and Customary Land. The tenure
should be a 99-year leasehold in State Land and the duration should vary according to intended use
in Customary Land.
3. REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. There should be a decentralization of both land administration and
surveys. There should also be continued computerization of title registration and the development
of a land information system.
4. ALLOCATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF LAND. The administration of land should be
improved through decentralization of activities. All relevant parties must be consulted prior to
undertaking decisions. Allocation boards should be established at the local level.
5. ROLE OF CHIEFS. The role of chiefs should be formally recognized and the government
should make efforts to enable them to better conduct their tasks.
should be repealed. The Commissioner of Lands along with other selected participants should
identify all statutes related to land and review them for the purpose of revision. The outcome
should be a single bill dealing with land and another for registration.
7. STATUS OF WOMEN. The universal principle of equality for women and other disadvantaged
groups should be formally recognized.
8. SECURITY AND CREDIT. The government should explore the development of alternative
facilities to improve access to credit.
9. LAND UTILIZATION AND REGULATION. Professional assessments of land use should be
made on commercial and farming land. Land use rules should be enforced. Urban settlements
should be improved or relocated to alternative sites. Efforts should be made to improve conditions
in rural areas to mitigate migration. The Land Development Committee should be strengthened.
Taxation and rent charges should be used to discourage underutilization of land.
10. LAND VALUATION. The market should determine the price of land in State Land. In
Customary Land, valuation procedures should evolve according to local conditions.
D. Assessment
The government's proposal to liberalize the land market and expand the supply of leaseholds
is a sound policy. Leasehold tenure of 99 years, while less satisfactory than freehold tenure, can
provide adequate security for long-term investment and credit. However, leasehold will not confer the