(Annex 1.1: Resolutions of the conference, cont.)
VI. Law reform and consolidation of statutes relating to land
A. Minor amendments
1. State, Reserves, and Trust Land Orders of 1928-1964 be immediately repealed and a new
land bill initiated to take account of the new classification ofland and the interest therein.
2. That the Commissioner of Lands in consultation with all interested groups, in particular
the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Law Development Commission, and Law Association of
Zambia, identify all statutes relating to land which require immediate revision and effect
the necessary amendments.
B. Major law reform and policy
That a completed consolidation of Land Laws and Statutes be undertaken culminating in
a comprehensive land bill and land registration bill discarding all outstanding anomalies.
VII. Status of women and vulnerable groups
That the universal principle of equality be applied to the ownership of land by women and vulnerable
groups which entail a prohibition of discrimination of women and vulnerable groups in the ownership
of land.
Further, administrative and legislative measures, if necessary, be put in place to remove any
discriminating practices and other laws.
VIII. Security and credit facilities
Government should urgently explore access to financial facilities which have been beyond the reach
of either land holders or developers outside the formal commercial sector.
IX. Land utilization and regulations
1. Agricultural, commercial, and emergent farmers:
a. Professional assessment of land use in all categories of land should apply before
b. National land use plans should be adopted to reinforce utilization of all
c. Existing regulations of land use in all categories of land should be enforced.
2. Urban and rural human settlements:
a. Existing settlements should be upgraded whereas new ones should be regulated
and planned for to curb rural-urban migration.
b. Government should also allocate those settlements where upgrading is impossible
to more orderly planned ones.
c. Conducive conditions should be created in rural areas to retain people.
3. Land development fund: We strongly recommend that this fund be created to improve
infrastructure in rural areas to facilitate settlement.
4. Taxation, consideration of ground rent: Taxation and ground rent should encourage
development and discourage underutilization of land.
X. Land value
1. In State Land, market forces should determine the price. In certain circumstances
Government should provide concessionary price for land to those vulnerable groups of the
2. In customary land, a system of pricing, if need be, should be left to evolve according to
rural conditions.