Annex 1.1: Resolutions of the conference
I. Methodology
1. On the subject of Land Policy and Legal Reform, it is important to adopt short-term and
long-term approaches.
2. In the short term, use should be made of seminars, workshops, and random research
studies as a method of consultation.
3. In the long term, appointment of a commission of enquiry is a more appropriate and long
established method of exhaustively probing, by way of wider consultation, all pertinent
issues and problems relating to the subject of land.
4. In the current and urgent context of the exercise there is need to constitute a representative
group of about fifteen (15) from participants in this conference to devote a little more
attention to the issues raised in the papers presented and resolutions agreed to before
submitting fmal conclusions.
5. There is need of establishing a permanent body which would supervise, monitor, and study
recurrent issues relating to land on a more systematic and routine basis.
II. Classification of land type or interest and duration in customary land and state land
1. That it be recognized that historical and colonial considerations in the molding of the
current categories of land are out-dated, that therefore consideration be given to the
reclassification of land to serve contemporary needs and requirements of the country.
2. That the nature of the interest in the reclassified land tenure system reflect customary as
well as national interest thereof bearing in mind that interest in perpetuity may pose
problems of regulation and the reversion of the residue to the National State of Zambia.
3. That there be two classes of land, namely state land and customary land, and the respective
interests be a ninety-nine (99) year lease with provision for automatic renewal and
customary interests that can be subject to specific grants of specific durations to be
determined according to the purpose for which the grant is made.
III. Land registration system
1. There is need to strengthen the land registration system by decentralizing both the functions
of the Lands Department and Survey Department to the provincial level.
2. Multi-holding of land should be introduced to facilitate acquisition of sectional titles.
3. There is a need to develop a land information system.
4. There is need for legal provision to support computerized registration of titles.
IV. Allocation of land and land administration
1. The land allocation system be strengthened and improved upon through decentralization
of functions and powers of the Commissioner of Lands by provision of adequate personnel,
facilities, and resources.
2. In the allocation of land all relevant institutions and authorities be consulted to take part
in influencing decisions on the subject.
3. That in the customary land sector in particular, consultation should be extended to the
traditional authorities.
4. Land allocation boards be set up at provincial and district levels to advise on allocation of
V. Role of chiefs
That the role of Chiefs in policy formulation and their participation in allocation of land in the
customary sector or domain be explicitly recognized and further provision, administrative or
otherwise, be made to enhance their participation in planning and development of land at both district
and provincial levels.