For a value of ( greater than zero, greater importance is given to the external stimuli,
represented by the signals on the Perceptual Persistents level, than to the signals from the
motivational node, found in the Consummatory Preferents level. This makes that even in the
absence of motivation for an external behaviour, the behaviour might be executed reactively.
Behavioural columns modelling reactive behaviours would have a ( value greater than zero,
while pure motivated behaviours require their ( to be equal to zero.
The role of the reactive response inhibition internal behaviour is to establish the following
hierarchical organizational principle: the activation of internal behaviours perceiving external
signals from the Perceptual Persistents level that have a corresponding congruence with the
internal needs, represented in the Drive/Perception Congruents, will have a higher opportunity
to be activated, and hence inscribe their signal in the Potential Actions level, than the internal
behaviours without a corresponding congruence with the internal needs. A competition takes
place among the elementary behaviours, and the value of the signal created at the Potential
Actions level (OH) will be equal to the activation level AH (determined by expression (5)) if the
activation is greater than zero, and zero otherwise.
(5h- ⅛t + Σj^⅛ (5)
where OT is the signal read from the Perceptual Persistents level, and Fa T is its corresponding
coupling strength; and OI is the signal from the Drive/Perception Congruents, and Fa I its
corresponding coupling strength, which is negative for i≠j and positive for i=j.
The activity of external behaviours selector has been modified to take into account the
internal needs in the selection of an external behaviour. Now, the external behaviours selector
decides which external behaviour will be executed in the current moment taking into account
both signals recorded in the Drive/Perception Congruents and Potential Actions levels. The
elementary behaviours that structure external behaviours selector behave as OR operators. But,
when for a signal recorded in the Potential Actions level, there is a corresponding signal
recorded at the Drive/Perception Congruents level, the strength of the external behaviours
selector elementary behaviour will be greater than those of elementary behaviours with signals
represented at only one of the blackboard levels. After this, a competition takes place, in order
to decide which signal(s) calculated with expression (6) will be inscribed at the Actions level.
4m-∑,¾V÷Σ√4^ (6)
where O H is the signal read from the Potential Actions level, and Fa H is its corresponding
coupling strength; O I is the signal read from the Drive/Perception Congruents level, and Fa I
is its corresponding coupling strength; and AM is the intensity of the signal to be created by
external behaviour selector.
The node responsible for the processing of internal signals or motivations receives
signals from the internal medium through the interoceptors, and from the node related with the
processing of the external signals through the receptor mechanism, and it sends signals to this