Figure 31. Initial stage of the primary conditioning
Figure 32. Advanced stage of the primary
In Figure 33 we can see a behaviours pattern executed once the conditioning of the red
spot with the food source was achieved. When the hungry animat perceived the red spot, he
approached it, because the red spot was able to activate the same signal on the Actions level
that a perceived food would have produced. That is to say, the modification of the coupling
strengths allowed the red spot to complete a behavioural column, associated with the appetitive
behaviour “approach food”. Once the animat perceived a food source, he approached it, and
satiated his hunger.
Figure 33. Behaviours pattern once achieved the
Once the red spot is conditioned with the food source, we can use the red spot as a
conditioner of another neutral stimulus. In this case, yellow spots. In Figure 34 we can see an
initial stage of the secondary conditioning28. The values of the coupling strengths before the
comma are the ones of red spots, while the others are the ones related with yellow spots. Before
perceiving a red spot, the hungry animat perceives a yellow spot. If we repeat this situation, the
28See also Section 3.8.1.