more time to find a stimulus to satiate a need than for higher values of " (Gonzalez et. al.,
For the following experiment, we used values of "=0.8, (=0.0, and N=0.0. Since N=0
causes that no signal from the motivational node reaches the cognitive node, the animat has no
awareness of his internal needs. Because of this, he will wander independently of his
perceptions or motivations, unable to perform motivated behaviours; as shown in Figure 45,
until his death.
For values of "=0.0, (=0.0, and N=0.0 we had similar results. If there is no flow of
signals from the motivational node, the value of " will not affect the external behaviour of the
Figure 44. Behaviours executed with "=0.0, Figure 45. Behaviours executed with "=0.8, (=0.0,
(=0.0, and N=1.0. and N=0.0.
Next, we used values of "=0.8, (=0.1, and N=1.0. ( greater than zero in expression (4)
allows a behaviour to be reactively executed, even in the absence of an internal need. Figure
46 shows the behaviours that the animat executed: First, he perceived food, approached it, and
ate it completely, even when he had no more hunger. Then, he began to explore, until he
perceived the water source, approached it, and drank it completely. Since he perceived a food
source, he approached it in order to eat it reactively.
With values of "=0.0, (=0.1, and N=1.0 we had the same results.
Figure 47 shows the last experiment, where we first took values of "=0.8, (=0.1, and
N=0.0. In this case, the animat has no awareness of his internal state, but his behaviour is
reactive since ( is greater than zero. He is able to reactively satiate his hunger and thirst, but
because the external signals were at hand. Otherwise, he would have wandered independently
of his internal needs. In this situation, the animat would only survive if he finds by chance
external stimuli for the needs he has in a precise moment. If he does not run into an
appropriate external stimulus, he would die unknowingly.
With values of "=0.0, (=0.1, and N=0.0 we had similar results.