The Evolution

The Evolution


tends to yield "orange juice," and "eggs" tends to yield "orange juice"
(i.e. "Florida" and "eggs" are each known to be linked either by part-
whole or whole-to-whole link to "orange juice"), and it is known that
"Florida," "eggs," and "orange juice" have never occurred all three
together in memory, then it follows that "Florida" and "eggs" cannot
yield "orange juice" by either Type I or Type II intersection. It
follows that "Florida" and "eggs" must single out "orange juice" by a
Type III intersection, which means that memory will quite possibly find
yielding "orange juice" a difficult task, especially as a Type IV
interaction is also ruled out as a possibility.

Intersection in Practice

This section will concern itself with the practical application of
the theoretical ideas just explained. It is interesting to see how the
concepts of part-whole and whole-to-whole linking, which were introduced
for the purpose of explaining how one would expect the environment to
have shaped memory through evolution, help make clear as well why
psychology almost alone among the experimental sciences has been unable
to advance beyond first principles. Psychology, quite simply, has been
monitoring the wrong variables.

Comparing Activation Theories

It is important to realize that the principle of residual activation
is not a spreading activation theory of the type employed by Collins and

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