The Evolution
search emanating from the concept (or perhaps the word) "cola," and from
the general concept "container." And similarly, the words kick and ball
would be disambiguated by an intersection search that exploited the overall
context in which they were embedded.
As it turns out, their position, whose only clearcut weakness is
that it does not clearly define the intersection search undertaken by
memory, may be restated in the conceptual framework of part-whole and
whole-to-whole linking, with the result that a much needed set of
restrictions is imposed on the intersection search employed by memory.
Recall that for intersection to reliably to take place it must
involve either two sets of currently activated part-whole links (e.g.
"bright yellow" yields "sun"), or a set of residually activated
whole-to-whole links and a set of currently activated part-whole links
(e.g. "hospital" followed some time later by "blade" yields "scalpel").
It follows that interpreting Anderson and Ortony1S examples in
terms of part-whole and whole-to-whole linking forces the conclusion
that the word kick yields by whole-to-whole link the concept "kick,"
which in turn yields by part-whole links all those particularized images
that arise from "donkey kick," "human kick," etc. And in the same way,
container yields by whole-to-whole link the concept "container," which in
turn yields by part-whole links "bottle," "basket," etc.
As regards ball, it may refer to either "dance" or "round object."
The simplest and most obvious way to account for this would be to assume