The Evolution
spreading-activation emanates from "striped," it should. Psycho-
evolutionary reasoning, of course, predicts no such facilitation.
It should be noted that if Collins and Loftus (1975) is interpreted
as employing a spreading-activation in combination with a type of
restriction, then their theory becomes very similar to the two-link
theory offered here, with intersection through two acts of restriction
corresponding to Type I intersection, intersection through an act of
spreading-activation and an act of restriction corresponding to Type
II intersection (where the more convenient order would be spreading-
activation first, restriction second), and intersection through two
acts of spreading-activation corresponding to Type III intersection.
Paired-Associate Learning
It should be noted that some types of experiments not usually
thought of as involving intersection—paired-associate learning for
instance—may be redesigned so as to explicitly become intersection
experiments. Thus if visual concepts having a great many whole-to-
whole links but few part-whole links (e.g. "army," "White House,"
"France," "ship," "farm," etc.) and auditory concepts having few whole-
to-whole links by many part-whole links (e.g. "squeak," "hum," "bang,"
"squeal," "crackle," etc.) were employed in a paired-associate learning
experiment, the subjects should find the "correct" word order Army
squeak and White House hum more suggestive of imagery and therefore
easier to memorize than the same phrases in the "incorrect" order,