In a given point of time the distribution of the voltage along the dendrite is
obtained by the cable equation with V ≠ f (t) and = 0:
(64) -λ2 ∂VV + V = 0
The solution of this differential equation is:
-x/ +x/
(65) Vχ) = V,e λ + Vie λ
The second part of the equation V1 e λ could be missed (Stoilov, 1985) because
it leads to unphysical results when x →∞. Thus we could just write:
(66) V(x) = V0e λ
where for V0 we will substitute the value of a single evoked EPSP. Here we won’t
take into account the contribution of another EPSPs that could summate with the
EPSP of interest.
If we investigate the change of V in a single point from the dendrite (x=0) we will
see that the impulse decrements with time and the cable equation is reduced to:
τ ∂V + V = 0.