projection, but that the sixth clause explicitly requires the logical operator
= to be in the language. Having = is enough to get the usual other logical
operators, as some crucial ones can be defined as follows (see [9]) and the
others can be obtained as in Definition 2.
Definition 9 (Abbreviations)
∀ξα. √
φ → ψ
is short for (λξα. φ) = (λξα. ξ = ξ)
is short for ∀ξt . ξt
is short for ((true, false) = hφ,ψ}') = false
In order to interpret the language of Definition 8, we need to have interpreta-
tions of its constants and variables. An interpretation function I for a frame
{Dα }α is a function with the set of all constants as its domain such that
I(cα) ∈ Dα for all cα . Similarly, an assignment a for {Dα }α is a function
taking variables as its arguments such that a(ξα ) ∈ Dα for all ξα . We write
α[d1∕ξ1,..., dn/ξn] for the assignment α0 such that α0(ξi) = di if 1 ≤ i ≤ n
and a0(ξ) = a(ξ) if ξ ∈/ {ξ1 , . . . , ξn}. A (standard) model is a pair hF, Ii of
a frame F and an interpretation function I for F. The following definition
provides the logic with a semantics. (We use fst and snd as functions that
will pick out the first and second element of an ordered pair respectively.)
Definition 10 (Tarski Definition) The value VM (A, a) of a term A on
a standard model M = hF, Ii under an assignment a for F is defined as
follows (we suppress superscripts M to improve readability).
1. V(c, a) = I (c), if c is a constant;
V(ξ, a) = a(ξ), if ξ is a variable;
2. V (A(B), a) = V(A, a)(V(B, a)), i.e. V(A, a) applied to V(B, a);
3. V (λξα . Aβ, a) = the G ∈ Dα→β such that, for each d ∈ Dα ,
G(d) = V (A,a[d∕ξ]);
4. V(hA,Bi,a)=hV(A,a),V(B,a)i;
5. V((A)0, a) = fst(V (A, a)); V ((A)1 , a) = snd(V (A, a));
6. V(A = B, a) = 1 iff V(A, a) = V(B, a).