The name is absent






#1 ength: int





tfenabled :Boolean=true




tfqueue: LinkedList





#c UrCycIeJnt

+Ro ad (alpha: int, beta: Node, length: int):
#get DriveIaneIdList (list: D rivelane[D∏nt[]
+reset O :v oid

+addAlpha Lane (lane: D rive lane): void
+rem AIphaLane (lane: Drivelane): void
+addBetaLane (lane: Drivelane) :void
+rem BetaLane (lane: DriveIaneXvoid

+rem Tum(VTum): void


+getOtherNode(seenfnom: Node): Node

+getNum AIILanesO: Integ er

+getNum AIphaLanesO: Integer

+getNum BetaLanesOJnteger

+getNumOutboundLanes(n: No de): Integer
+getNum I nboundLanes(n:N ode) Integer
+getlnboundLanes(n:N ode): Driv elane[]

+paint (g:Gra phics,x: int,у J nt,zf: Floatyvoid
+paint (g:Gra phi es):v oid

+is Enabled O: Boolean


+Dr iv elane (road: Ro ad):

+getTail Length ɑ:lnteger

+getCom PleteLengthOHnteger


+addRoaduserAtEnd(ru: RoadwserXvoi d

+addRoad userAt End(ru: Roadwser,pos: int):voi d

+ad d Ro ad us er(ru: Roadwse/, pos:int):voi d

+re m Ro a d us e rAt St art O: Roadttser


+get Length O: int

+get FirstRo ad use rQ.Roadιtser

+getNum RoadusersWaiti ng OJnt

+getNum B IockSWaitingO: int

+getNodeCom esFromQ:Node

+getNodeLeadsToO Node


+setTarget (target: int,st ate: bool ean):voi d

+isPosFree(p osit ion JntJength: і nt): bo olean

+isT ailFreeO: bool ean

+isLast PosFnee (length: і nt): bo olean

+get Po s Free(li: List lterator,pos:int,length:int, SpeedJeftJ nt, ru:Roadwsez) Jnt

+JearCurveB oundsθ:v oid



+init Stat sθ:voi d

+get StatisticsO: Driv e IaneStatistics

Createdwith Poseidon forUML Community Edition. Not for Commercial Use.

Figure 4.1: UML diagram: Road and Drivelane

represents all intersections, those with traffic lights and those without traffic lights
NonTLJunction which is a subclass of Junction). The subclasses of SpecialNode
are EdgeNode and NetTunnel. At an EdgeNode road users will start and end their

4.2.3 Roadusers and how they move

Roaduser is the most super class representing all road users. It has 2 subclasses:
Automobile and Bicycle. Roaduser and Automobile are abstract classes. Automo-
has 2 subclasses: Car and Bus. The roadusers have an attribute pos, which
represents their current position on the lane. This position is changed by its ac-
cessors at other places, like in

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