4.2.5 Probability on enter/exit nodes
SimModel.spawnNewRoadusers places new road users on the roads when neces-
sary. When roads are full, new road users are queued.
EdgeNode supports destination frequencies. Destination frequencies are set in
Validation by addFrequencies. For every edgenode the destination frequencies to
the other edgenodes are stored.
To change spawn and destination frequencies in the simulator: click on the config-
uration button and select a roaduser type. Now select an edgenode from which the
frequencies have to be changed. When an edgenode is selected, it has a magenta
square around it. To deselect, right click. To change the spawn frequency, drag
the mouse from the edgenode to the left or the right. To change the destination
frequency, drag the mouse from the destiniation edgenode to the left or the right.
This functionality is implemented by (
4.2.6 Statistics
Total average waiting time (ATWT) is implemented by TotalWaitTrackingView,
which tracks the average trip waiting time. The function calcDelay of Node, Junc-
tion and SpecialNode was not correct anymore because of the variable speed of
roadusers. I updated this function to give the correct results. calcDelay calculates
the delay of a roaduser during his trip on a certain lane. delay = (stoptime -
starttime) - (lengthOf Lane/maxSpeedOf Lane).
4.3 List of modifications
In this section all modifications to the project are discussed.
4.3.1 Change size of blocks to model speed in m/s
The easiest way to represent speed is m/s. The length of the road has to be bigger
when it is drawn in the editor. This gives a better view on the map when simula-