users at the beginning of the Wetstraat at 7 o’clock (highest traffic density). For
the best result of the platoon controller (θ = 70, φmin = 1) there is a queue of 267
road users. This is a reduction of the queue with 77%.
6.3 Future work
I added a clearance time for road users to leave a junction when a light is switch-
ing. The simulator should be extended with a yellow light, but this will affect the
working of the simulator.
The simulation can be extended with unexpected events, like cars ignoring
traffic lights and traffic rules.
Traffic simulator The traffic simulator has been extended with extra physics,
driving behaviour and traffic rules. These aditions were needed to approach real
traffic behaviour. More features can be implemented to the simulation model, to
get a more realistic approach.
• Vehicles should be able to switch lanes on a road where it is allowed. This
needs markings on the road to notify the road users. When there is no vehi-
cle in front, the road user should take the lane at the right side of the road.
When a road user wants to pass a road user in front of him, he should move
to the lane left of him, pass the road user and move back to the previous
lane. At a junction a road user needs to select a lane which collects vehicles
with the same direction. In the current simulation this is done at the begin-
ning of the road. The destination of the road user is looked up and the road
user will choose a lane from where it can reach its destination.
• Traffic lights have orange lights to warn the road users that the light is going
red. Road users which cannot stop at time, can drive through the orange
light but all road users should stop for a red light.
Simulations The traffic light controllers are simulated in three scenarios. Those
simulations gave good results, but more extensive simulations could be done and
special cases could be studied.