The Values and Character Dispositions of 14-16 Year Olds in the Hodge Hill Constituency

Q47 There is nothing wrong with sex before marriage.

This indicates that belief in the importance of marriage was not the same thing as seeing
something wrong in sex before marriage.

White or mixed ethnic background students tended to be less positive generally about this
cluster as a whole. Church of England, Other Christian, Muslim and respondents with
Other Religion tended to be more positive. There were differences between schools, but
these did not materially affect the model.

Students seeing themselves as having Other Nationality were more inclined towards
getting married, giving to charity and having black and Asian MPs, and female and
Muslim students tended in the opposite direction.

Cluster 2

The second cluster (see Appendix 8f) consists entirely of the parts of Question 57, asking
about the importance of six virtues. Although these fell into two groups, they were all
very closely related.

Q57a Tolerance

Q57f Courtesy

Q57b Justice

Q57c Loyalty

Q57d Trust

Q57e Honesty

Female and Muslim students and those who hoped to go to university tended to be more
positive generally about this cluster as a whole. Only children and those whose parents
went to college tended to be less positive.

There was some evidence, though not very strong, that males tended towards tolerance
and females towards trust. Note that the estimation for this model is not very robust.

Cluster 3

The third cluster (see Appendix 8g) consists of two subgroups and a single question that
is not more closely related to one than the other, but is clearly part of this cluster.

Q14 I value my friends very much.

Q18 I think having character is important.

Q19a I am taught how to have good character at home.

Q26 Education is vital to progression in life.

Q15 Good manners are important.

Q16   I can accept those with a different religion.

Q17   I can accept those with a different sexuality.


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