The Values and Character Dispositions of 14-16 Year Olds in the Hodge Hill Constituency

Q28 I speak up when I see someone being bullied.

One group of questions clearly relates to openness to others, empathy, and suchlike
concepts. The other group is a rather mixed bag and its close relation to openness and
empathy is interesting, but difficult to interpret.

This cluster is closely associated with Cluster 2. Students who strongly believed in the
importance of the virtues tended to be very positive about these questions. Female and
Muslim students and those who wished to go to university tended to be more positive
generally about this cluster as a whole. Only children tended to be less positive.
Differences between schools did not materially affect this model.

Female students and those expected to go to university tended towards openness and
empathy. Those with no religion, those whose parents attended college and those who
saw themselves with Other Nationality tended in the other direction.

Cluster 4

The fourth cluster (see Appendix 8h) is fairly loosely structured with six questions
relating to conformity to standards. The second dimension appears to contrast personal
conformity with rules on the one hand and making others conform on the other.

Q29 I cheat sometimes on a test or in homework.*

Q30 I admit when I make a mistake.

Q39 Pupils should not spread rumours or gossip.

Q41 I always obey the law.

Q52 The police should do more in my community.

Q55 If I were Prime Minister I would clean up my local neighbourhood.

Female respondents and those wishing to go to university gave more generally positive
responses. Only children, Caribbean students and those of mixed ethnic background
tended to be less positive. Differences between schools accounted for the effect of
intention to go to college but otherwise had no substantial influence on the model.

Indian respondents and those hoping to go to university tended towards conforming

All the above clusters form a group distinct from what follows. For the most part Clusters
1 to 4 can be seen as relating to the character itself and related concepts, whereas what
follows gives students’ judgment upon school and society.

Cluster 5

The fifth cluster (see Appendix 8i) contains three subgroups and one anomalous question.

This may well be a random effect.


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