Batik Mandala Matematika
Finished by: D iana Angg raeni (2nd grade student of 14 Senio r High P roficien cy Schoo l, Bandu ng)
This is a spectacular mbatik interpretation of fractal Mandelbrot set. Mandelbrot set as the general
form of Julia Set presented by Be noit Ma ndelbrot. The latter is the prominent mathematician in
empirical work on modern fracta l geometry. Mandelbrot set is a kind of generalization from Julia
fractal that plot
Mandelbrot : z →z2 +c
With c as a complex parameter drawn in compl ex coordinate plane, c=Re [c]+ i Im[c], composed
by two hype rbol ic in left and right.
In this mbatik interpretation, generalization pattern of Mandelbrot set drawn with dilation of
hundred pi ctures of Mandelbrot set. This design shows a fine arrangement that suitable to be called
as Mandala.
Hand Drawing