Design and investigation of scalable multicast recursive protocols for wired and wireless ad hoc networks

Table 5.1 Simulation Parameters




Number of nodes


Packet Size

512 bytes

Simulation Time

500 s

X-dimension of motion

1500 m

Y-dimension of motion

800 m

Transmission Range

250 m

Node Placement

Random Way point

Mac Protocol

IEEE 802.11

Transport Protocol


Max. Speed

10 m/s


Active Route Timeout






10 s



In the following investigations, we have considered Continuous Bit Rate (CBR) traffic
with payload size set to 512 bytes. Data packets are generated at the source node (a
selected node from the multicast session to be a source node) at a rate of 2 packets per
second which is equal to 1024 byte per second. Each simulation runs for 500 seconds.

DDM [20] and E2M [38] have been chosen as a comparison protocol, this selection is
based on the following:

A detailed description of E2M and DDM protocols is available.

E2M is the most recent implemented explicit multicast protocol.

DDM is relatively close to our proposed protocol.

The availability of close implementation for DDM, E2M in ns2 simulator.
Although, some modifications on these implementations to represent DDM and
E2M protocols were needed.

Despite that EM2NET is the most recent proposed protocol addresses the scalability issue
in ad hoc networks, it is excluded from the comparison with our proposed protocol. This


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