In order to expand the output lines a control box was built centered around a 74HC595
serial-in, parallel out shift register (Fig. 1). This allows all seven of the Power Level
Control inputs to be controlled by only four pins (2-5) of the parallel port (Fig. 2). Pins 7,
8, and 9 are used to arm, disarm, and trigger the Magstim Rapid.
Pin Number |
Description |
..... 1 ...... |
Data Direction Control (Apply ÷5V here to select external control)............... |
2 |
PowerLeveicontroI(LSBtVaiuel) ________;______ . . |
3 |
PowerLeveicontroI(VaIuel) _________' ■ . |
4 |
Power Le⅜⅞l Contrtrf (Value ⅜) _________________ . |
5 |
Power Level Control (Value ⅝⅜____________________. - _________. . |
6 |
Power Level Control (Value 16)________________ _______________ - |
7 |
Power Level Contrtrf (Value 32)________ ^ - _____________ |
8 |
Power Level Control (MSB, Value 64)___________________________ |
9 |
Trigger Input ("O" triggers the Magstim Rapid) ................ |
10 |
Ready Output (i,l" when Rapid is armed, charged and ready)...... ........ |
. ■ : 11 , |
RepSace Coil Output Γ Γt means coil Is disconnected or faulty)....... ..... |
...... 12 ...........; |
Coil Temperature Output (" Iй means temperature has exceeded 36*C) |
13 |
Coii Active Output ⅛l"0" means that the coil button ⅛ pressed) |
14 |
Run Input (Ap⅜rfy⅛⅜g a ,,0n briefly arms the Magstim Rapid)________ . |
15 |
outputs ÷12VDC at 2S0mA ________ ______ ' ,' |
16 |
AnaIogGround...... ....... ....... |
..... 17 |
ChassisGround ............... ............... |
18 |
CapacltorVoItage(IVperkV)....... ........... ..... .............. |
19-30 |
Ground ..... ............ ■..... -■ ' , ; _ . ’ ;............. |
31 |
Stop Input (Applying a "O" briefly places the Magstim Rapid in standby) |
32 |
Armed Output (“ Iм when unit is armed, ‘ЧУ when unit ⅛ in standby) |
33 |
TriggerOutput ___________ ■ .......... |
....... 34 |
No connection ________________ , .____________________'................■.....- ' |
35 - |
Trigger Input ("O" triggers the Magstim Rapid) |
36 |
Coil Temperature Output (analog output of 10mv∕°C from 5-80*C) ....... |
Chassis |
Ground |
Table 1. Input∕output table for the Magstim Rapid. The items in bold are the control lines
necessary for our purposes.