The name is absent




1. Christian Gribaudo, National Deputy

2. Liliana Gurdulich de Correa, former National Senator, former Vice-Minister of
Internal Affairs

3. Federico Storani, former National Deputy, former Minister of Internal Affairs

4. Horacio Massaccesi, former Governor of Rio Negro, former National Deputy,
former National Senator, former presidential candidate

5. Jose Octavio Bordon, former Governor of Mendoza, former National Deputy,
former National Senator, former presidential candidate

6. Omar De Marchi, National Deputy, former Mayor of Lujan de Cuyo, Mendoza

7. Lidia Naim, National Deputy, wife of Ricardo Ivoskus, Mayor of San Martin,
Buenos Aires

8. Agustin Rossi, National Deputy, Head of the Majority Party, former
gubernatorial candidate, Santa Fe

9. Jose Maria Diaz Bancalari, National Deputy, former Mayor of San Nicolas,
Buenos Aires

10. Patricia Fadel, National Deputy, former mayoral candidate of Tunuyan,

11. Sergio Montiel, former Governor of Entre Rios, former National Deputy

12. Maria Elena Herzovich, former National Deputy

13. Ruperto Godoy, National Deputy

14. Juan Radonjic, former National Deputy, former Vice-Minister of Internal Affairs

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