The name is absent

of the copolymer molecule are presented.

pα(r) = exp(/3/rM) exp[Do(r) - A3Vaerf(r)]7r jr)ʃa,ɑ(r), (5.10)

where μj∏(= ɪɪɪ Mi) ɪs the bulk chemical potential of the copolymer chain, and /ɪ ɑ
and T2are multiple integrals solved using the following recurrence,

ʃɪ,ɑ(r) = ʃ ∕ι,a-ι(r3exp[^ι(rθ-∕3y^(r')]∆^-1^(r',r)dr',   (5.11)

ʃi,i(r)  =  1,                                                              (5.12)


Mr) = I Mι(rθexp[‰ι(rz)-^f1(rz)]∆^+1)(r,r')dr',  (5.13)

M(r) = 1∙                                                (5-14)

The equilibrium grand free energy is given by

m p
/MM = Σ / rfrMα(r)

Da (r) +



where n(Γ,(α>) is the total number of association sites on segment a.

To calculate the segment density profiles numerically, the computational domain
is divided into equally spaced grid points along the dimension normal to the surface.
A grid spacing of 0.1σ is used for all our calculations. The density profiles are solved


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