The name is absent

hp(z) = Д(12)(О,г), for z > ɪ,                                  (6.13)

ʃij(z) = J Ilj-βzβ exp[Dj-βz')]Mj~1'1z', z)dz', for z > у, (6.14)

^2,m(^)  —



12,j(z) =

ʃ ∕2j+ι(√)exp[I>j+ι(√)]Δt7j+1∖z,√)d√, for z >


-⅞,ι(0) =

[ ∕2,2(-z') ехр[Т?2(г')]Д(1,2)(0, z')dz,, for z, >


The term exp(∕3∕⅛.; — βv) is calculated from the grafting density (pg, or the number
of chains tethered per unit area of the surface) of the chain as

dzp1(z) = exp(βμM)exp[D1(O) - ∕⅞]Λ,1 (O)T24(O) = Pa, (6.18)


exp(βpM - βv) =---(rl(n∖∖τ i(∖∖τ 7∩V             (6'19)


Substituting this in eq. 6.11 gives the density profile of all the segments in the chain.

For tethered segment,

Pi (г) gδ(z),



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