Substituting for Xg in the Euler-Lagrange equation for the second segment leads to
an expression for p2(r)X⅜(r), from which an expression for similar to eqn. 7.14
can be obtained. Repeating this procedure through the ∖th backbone segment in the
chain gives
3 — ɪ 3 — ɪ 3 — ɪ
/ = cxp(,6f / - [ ⅛ι⅛2..⅛j-ιexp[J2A(ri)]∩Δ^+1∖ri,ri+ι)
⅞(rJ i=ι j J i=ι i=ι
= exp(∕352∕√)∕u(rj∙), (7.15)
where I1j is a recursive function, ʃi,ɪ(r) = 1 and ʃij(r) = ʃ dr'ʃij-ɪ(r') exp[∙Dj-ι(r')]Δ^~lj)(r, r').
For brevity, this procedure is labeled as proc. A, since it is used numerous times in
the derivation.
Similarly, applying proc. A for the linear branch ζbj∙, from the branch segment 1bj
Γ till the backbone segment ‘j’ gives
bj mj bj m,j bj τ∏j 1
-■ =exp(β ∑ μi) .. / drb.ι⅛b.2..dr6j.mj exp[J2 A(r*)] ɪɪ ∆<v+υ(ri, ri+ι)
ʌθlɪ`j` i=bjl '' ∙' i=bjl i=bjl
X1,bjmj (rj,rbjτnj) = exp (/3 J2 Mi)5rj(rj), (7∙16)
where Brj denotes the branch factor for the branch ibj∙, at (backbone) segment ‘j’.
Clearly, Brj∙(r) = ʃ⅛71*Jm3(r')exp[Dbjmj(r')]Δ^m>(r,r'), where I^.a is the I1
function for the segment 1bj- a' in the branch ςbj∙,. The branch factors for all the