The name is absent

fraction of unbonded sites ‘A’ on the backbone segments as

, ` = exp(∕3 *⅛‰(rα),                 (7.19)


where, I2 is the complimentary recursive function, I2,m(y) = 1 and

2,√r) = ʃdr'∕2,j+ι(r3exp[T)j+1(r')]Brj+ι(r')Δθ,j+1^(r,r'). This is physically de-
picted in fig. 7.2b. Finally, substituting the expressions for X⅞ from eqn. 7.19 and
X⅛ from eqn. 7.18 (and Xg from eqn. 7.16 for backbone segments with branches) in
the Euler-Lagrange equation for the backbone segment
a gives the density profile of
the segment.

pα(r) = exp(∕⅛) exp[Pa(r)]BrQ(r)/i_Q(r)72,a(r),           (7.20)

where ∕⅛(= ∑2*7=ι∕1≈) ɪ8 the bulk chemical potential of the chain molecule.

Next, the density profiles of the segments in the branch lb3, are derived. Substi-
tuting for Хд from eqn. 7.19 and
Xjb from eqn. 7.18 in the Euler-Lagrange equation
for the backbone segment ij, gives

J-I          m

Pj(r)xc(r) = exp(∕3∑*⅛)exp( Σ *⅛≈)cxp(⅛j)exP[^(r)]Λj(r)72j(r)∙ (7.21)
i=l          i=J+l

Using this equation and applying proc. A from segment ‘j’ onwards to the branch


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