_ (h)
Mk = 30 z≠ l
■ к = 45
Ok = 60
Ok = 75
Ok = 90 1
Ok = 105
■ к = 120
Unstable reduced system for к > 90
О 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Coincidence factor Г
Figure 3.10: Coincidence factors Γ show spike capturing accuracy for seven different cells
using various sizes of reduced systems (fc = kv = k∣') and Algorithm 3 (see (h)) using the
weakly excitable channel model (see Table 3.9). Cells are the same as those of Figure 3.8,
and scale bars on all cells represent 100 μm.
3.5 Synaptic Conductances vs. Current Injection
The reduced system can handle synaptic conductances and current injections,
and they can be used interchangeably (i.e., a set of snapshots generated using current
injection can also be used for a simulation with synaptic conductances). But, synaptic
conductances take a computational toll on the reduced model because, in order to