Figure 3.9: Voltage traces at various spatial locations along cell AR-1-20-04-A for the full
and reduced systems (blue and red lines, respectively) in response to a 1000 pA step current
stimulus lasting 2 ms applied to the soma. The traces show that accurate reduced systems
can be generated even when using ion channel models that yield weakly excitable dendrites.
Here we use the MIG channel model and a reduced system of size kυ = kf = 90 and the
time-step is ∆f = 0.01 ms. The locations in this figure are the same as those of Figure 3.7a.
favor of using the model reduction techniques presented here over the current standard
method of coarsening for simulations of single neurons.
Just as in the previous section, in Table 3.9 we summarize the accuracy and speed
of the reduced systems for these cells with the MIG channel model, and we plot the
coincidence factors for a range of reduced system sizes in Figure 3.10. Though the
accuracy is generally lower than for cells with the HH and HHA models, the reduced