Chapter 4
4. Clay wettability and zeta potential characterization
This chapter mainly discusses clay wettability and its effect on rag layer. Zeta
potential measurement is used to characterize wettability change of clay.
4.1. Rag Iayerand clay wettability
Figure 4.1 shows 11.2 hours separation results of brine in diluted bitumen
(N∕B 0.7) emulsions and 200 ppm demulsifier PR5 at different pH, prepared at
30 oC as described in section 3.5.2.
Figure 4.1 11.2 h diluted bitumen emulsions adding 200 ppm PR5 at 30 oC
Samplel is the emulsion without clay solids using 1.0 w.% NaCI brine at pH
6.8 (sample 4 in chapter 3). Sample 2 is the emulsion with clay solids using 1.0