Chapter 5
phase is 8.3. Positions of sampling for residual water content measurement are
also shown in the figure.
N/В ratio 4.0
N/В ratio 0.7
Figure 5.15 24 h emulsion (solids-free) separation adding 200 ppm PRi to PR6 at
80 0C, pH 8.3
Based on bottle test, almost complete separation of oil and water could be
achieved without solids in emulsion, and no rag layer formed. For N/В ratio 4.0,
emulsion adding 200 ppm PR4 to PR6 have better separation results than others;
for N/В ratio 0.7, emulsion adding 200 ppm PR6 to PR5 have better separation
results than others. Residual water content in oil layer was measured in these
samples, sampling from the positions indicated in Figure 5.15.