Chapter 3
least-square fit of the experimental data for R, using dgv, σ, Dcp and к as fitting
parameters. Detailed procedure is as follows:
1) Estimating initial values of geometric volume-based mean diameter dgv
and geometric standard deviation σ; signal attenuation fraction κ0i∣, ∕<emu∣
and κwate∣∙; diffusivity of continuous oil phase Dcp.
2) Using Eq. [3.9] with Dcp and Dwaier to calculate attenuation R0i∣ and Rwate∣∙;
using Eqs. [3.12], [3.16] and [3.17] to calculate attenuation Remu∣; using Eq.
[3.23] to calculate total attenuation of the emulsion R.
3) Performing least-square fitting of the experimental data Rexp for R until
norm of the difference ∣∣Re×p-^ll is smaller than tolerance to get fitted
values of all the parameters in step 1 ).
If combined with NMR CPMG T2 distribution measurement, drop size
distribution and surface relaxivity of water in diluted bitumen p can be obtained [5].
In this case, fitting parameters are surface relaxivity p and phase signal
attenuation fraction κ. Remui is calculated by drop size distribution, which is
obtained from T2 distribution and surface relaxivity. Total signal attenuation of the
emulsion R is the weighted combination of phase signal attenuation with
attenuation fraction κ. Detailed procedure is as follows:
1) Getting T2 distribution of water drops via CPMG measurement; estimating