The name is absent

Chapter 3

generate a contrast based on the relaxation time difference between oil and water,
one solution is to perform a T1 weighted spin density profile by stacking a certain
number of scans repeated after a time
t∏. Then, the amplitude at a given position
z is given by:

Aτ (z) = Λ[1 - X φis>(-tv / Tu )]                           [3.33]

Here φ,∙ is the volume fraction for component /. tw = tR- tε≈ tR is the waiting
time. For water-in-oil emulsions, Eq. [3.19] can be written as:

ʌ(z) = 4β[1 -Φoil Q^>{γ4-φwater exp(-^-)-φemul exp(-⅛          [3.34]

ɪl,o//                      j^ !,water                     j^!,emul

Here subscripts oil, water and emul correspond to continuous oil, bulk water
and water droplets, respectively.

Figure 3.7 shows scheme of 1-D profile measurement for layered mixture of
water and diluted bitumen. The left photograph shows layered mixture of water
and diluted bitumen. The right part of the figure shows 1-D profile result of layered
mixture. The
x axis is signal amplitude of the sample, and the y axis position is the
position measured from the middle of the sample. Signal amplitudes in oil layer
and water layer have obvious difference. It is easy to find oil/ water interface from
the step change of signal amplitude.


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