List of Figures
2.1 TheEvolutionoflnsuranceRegulation .................. 7
2.2 An Illustration of One Iteration of Newton’s Method........... 17
2.3 Functions for the Weibull Distribution with p = 1 and 7 = 0.5 ...... 31
3.1 Survival Curves Obtained Using the Proposed Method From Test 1 . . . . 58
3.2 Survival Curves Obtained Using the Coxph Method From Test 1..... 59
3.3 Survival Curves Obtained Using the Proposed Method From Test 2 . . . . 61
3.4 Survival Curves Obtained Using the Coxph Method From Test 2..... 62
4.1 Parameter Estimates of Growth for Bankruptcies............. 71
4.2 Parameter Estimates of Profitability for Bankruptcies........... 71
4.3 Parameter Estimates of Size for Bankruptcies............... 72
4.4 Parameter Estimates of Age for Bankruptcies............... 72
4.5 Parameter Estimates of Liability for Bankruptcies............. 74
4.6 Parameter Estimates of Growth for Acquisitions.............. 76
4.7 Parameter Estimates of Profitability for Acquisitions........... 76