5.2.2 Iterations............................. 87
5.3 Application: Revisiting the impact of the GLB Act.......... 88
5.3.1 Basic setups............................ 88
5.3.2 Results of the tests........................ 88
5.3.3 Conclusions............................ 94
6 Conclusions and Future Work 97
6.1 Conclusions................................ 97
6.2 Future work................................ 98
A Plots of Copula Ftinctions 99
A.l Frank Copula............................... 99
A.2 Clayton Copula.............................. 99
A.3 Gumbel-Hougaard Copula........................ 99
B R Codes 103
B.l Generate и and v as shown in Section 3.4............... 103
B.2 Generate tτ and tɑ as shown in Section 3.4............... 104
B.3 Calculate Sθ0∖i) as shown in Equation 3.13 .............. 104
B.4 Calculate P^m∖xj) as shown in Equation 3.15............. 106
B.5 Calculate S,θm^(t) as shown in Equation 3.19.............. 108
B.6 Calculate the likelihood function as shown in Equation 3.12 ..... 110